Japan News This Week 3 September 2017


Japan News.
A Pacifist Japan Starts to Embrace the Military
New York Times

North Korea: A brief history of pacifism in Japan

In Photos: A-bomb survivor Sumiteru Taniguchi dies of cancer at 88
The Mainichi

Japanese minister Taro Aso praises Hitler, saying he had 'right motives'

Japan’s New Conspiracy Law Expands Police Power
Japan Focus

Last Week's Japan News on the JapanVisitor blog


September 1 in Japan is Fire Prevention Day. It is a reminder of the events that took place on this date in 1923. 94 years ago, at 11:58 am - just as Tokyoites were lighting their fires to prepare lunch - an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter Scale struck. 105,000 people died or were never found again. Because of resulting fires, thousands were boiled alive in the Sumida River, into which they had fled.

If a similar earthquake were to occur today, what would the likely damage be? Were an earthquake measuring 7.3 to strike under the capital today, damage estimates are:

23,000 dead
123,000 wounded
610,000 buildings destroyed
8,000,000 struggle to return to their home
86.2 trillion dollars in damages to the Japanese economy

Source: Asahi Shinbun, August 30, 2017, page 7

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