Minshuku Koyo-so Hiwasa Tokushima

民宿 弘陽荘

Located in the small coastal town of Hiwasa on the coast of Tokushima, Koyo-so is a fairly standard budget minshuku.

Minshuku Koyo-so Hiwasa Tokushima.

Like many of these older minshuku, a small frontage hides a veritable warren of narrow corridors and staircases that lead to the rooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms.

Hiwasa is home to Yakuo-ji Temple, a famous temple in its own right, but also temple 23 on the famous 88 temple Shikoku Pilgrimage, so many of the guests at Koyo-so will be pilgrims.

Minshuku Koyo-so Hiwasa Tokushima.

The staff speak little English, but are not averse to non-Japanese guests, due no doubt to the increasing number of foreign pilgrims walking the Shikoku pilgrimage.

The facilities are standard for a budget minshuku, no wifi, and I can't speak for the food as I stayed sudomari, for 3,900yen. It's located in the old town, 1 kilometer from Yakuoji Temple, 1 kilometer from Hiwasa Station on the JR Mugi Line, and about 400 meters from the beach.

The beach is famous as a site where turtles come to lay eggs, and right next to the beach is a pretty informative Turtle Museum.

Minshuku Koyo-so
70-Honson, Okugawauchi
Minami-cho, Kaifu-gun
Tokushima 779-2305
Tel 0884 77 1006

Minshuku Koyo-so Hiwasa Tokushima.

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