The Cool Springs of Ogaki


Ogaki in Gifu Prefecture is sometimes called the "Water Capital" and water is everywhere in the town.

The Cool Springs of Ogaki, Gifu.

One particular water feature in Ogaki is the number of ice cold springs that come to the surface from deep underground in various areas - near Ogaki Station, in shrines and temples, in the streets, in parks.

The Cool Springs of Ogaki.

People can be seen collecting the fresh water in plastic containers of differing sizes.

The Cool Springs of Ogaki, Gigu Prefecture.

Sometimes the spring water (wakimizu; 湧き水 in Japanese) is put to different uses such as cooling watermelons.

This site in Japanese has a map of the location of 16 of the springs throughout Ogaki:

The Cool Springs of Ogaki, Gifu.


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